Our intention for this cycle is to address body imbalances, focusing on more accessory and bodybuilding sessions.
Our primary goal is to build a solid foundation of strength and capacity before pushing the limits further in preparation for the 2024 Season. As always, our goal is to see every athlete reach their full potential.
We will have more frequent Back Squat and Bench Press strength sessions, utilizing a 20-rep max Squat Progression variation for the Back Squat and drawing inspiration from the Hatch Squat program to develop your 3-rep max Bench Press.
Additionally, we will focus on developing your 1-rep max Power Snatch, max unbroken Strict Pull-Ups, and max unbroken Strict Handstand Push-Ups. We’re excited to witness the progression of these movements through progressive loading, volume management, and the incorporation of more frequent bodybuilding accessory sessions, which we believe will greatly assist you.
Throughout this cycle, we will also emphasize maintenance strength for certain movements, including the Front Squat, Overhead Squat, Strict Press, Push Press, and Push Jerk.
Our Weightlifting sessions will be purposeful and progressive, with a focus on 3-Position Complexes. This approach develops endurance and reinforces proper technique and body position, which will be vital as we increase the loading.
We are excited to embark on this journey with you and witness the incredible progress and growth that will result from this comprehensive program.
Let’s make every rep count!